October 18-19, 13:00 - 16:00 CEST (with optional social time)
This is our second Nordic-RSE unconference, held online October 18-19, 2022, 13:00 - 16:00 CEST (with optional social time). We invite research software engineers and everyone who develops software or tools and are driven by research/engineering in either academia or industry. It is a great opportunity to network, share knowledge and experiences with your peers. We would like this event to be an informal space for exchanging ideas and experiences, learning something new, and networking with people of the same interest group.
Possible topics/formats (or check what we have done last year):
The program of the unconference will consist mainly of your contributions and we encourage you to submit a short abstract for a discussion topic, talk, demonstration, or any other type of program you would like to run beforehand. But we will also collect on-site suggestions for contributions. And of course we will all follow a Code of Conduct.
You can also help us by sharing the announcement with others.
All times are in Central European Time
13:00 (CET) |
(Luca Ferranti)
13:30 (CET) |
How do a PhD's skills translate to industry?
(Richard Darst)
A long time ago (~2013-2015), I was at some nice talk that explained how skills learned during a doctorate degree could translate to industry skills. There wasn't anything fancy, basically pointing out things like "As a reseacher you need to figure out how solve unknown problems yourself. Guess what, companies too. You have to learn how to communicate by writing papers and giving presentations. Guess what, companies too". Then going deeper into details, how to develop these skills, how to advertise yourself, and so on. I've mentioned these lessons over the years, but haven't seen anything quite like it (but there must be). While not directly RSE related, I think this is an important lesson for many young researchers and starts them off thinking about non-academic tracks, and once that happens, we can bring their attention to RSE work |
13:50 (CET) | Break/ free-form conversation |
14:20 (CET) |
Research software development in an open science landscape: on reform, co-creation and opportunities for professional establishment
(Sanna Isabel Ulfsparre)
As Europe transitions into open science and FAIR research data management, new infrastructures and possibilities for professional development emerge. Sanna Isabel Ulfsparre, librarian at Umeå university library, will talk about policy, trends and tendencies relevant to research software developers who want to further specialise in RSE. |
14:40 (CET) | Break/ free-form conversation |
14:50 (CET) |
Unconference session 1
16:00 (CET) | social time until ~18:00 |
13:00 (CET) | Introduction to the day and unconference scheduling |
13:10 (CET) |
Unconference Session 2
14:20 (CET) | Break/ free-form conversation |
14:40 (CET) |
Unconference Session 3
15:50 (CET) | Concluding remarks |
16:00 (CET) | social time until ~18:00 |